The Bybee V2 Quantum Signal Enhancer (iQSE) is a small approximately 2" long by 1" wide by 1" tall device that, while not the prettiest piece of audio gear you will ever see, is extraordinarily powerful in the positive sonic attributes it will bring out in your system. Orders of magnitude more powerful than the original Bybee Purifiers, or any form of Quantum Signal Enhancer that has come before.
They are small, and indeed delicate. But their size allows you to conceal them nearly anywhere. Inside your breaker box, inside components, underneath cables, on the walls behind pictures, etc. etc.
The V2 like it's siblings the Quantum Signal Enhancer and Internal Quantum Signal Enhancer is activated by surrounding energy. But the V2 is different and much more powerful. So powerful that it has a dramatic effect on the soundstage and detail retrieval when not only placed on components, but also on your speakers and within the listening room.
Where the V2 Works (so far)
On your loudspeakers- Simply stunning. More resolution, more coherance, the speakers just disappear! Place between mid/woofer and high frequency driver for more resolution. Place above the HF driver in addition and you will have greater image height, air and more detail. Place below the woofer and the lows and midrange open up further. NOTE: Placement on speakers is recommended when your speakers are along the long wall of your room or near the sidewall boundaries. Otherwise we recommend placing them in the listening room itself.
In the listening room -The V2 is very powerful, and will expand the width, height and depth of the soundstage dramatically. Not just a little bit, and not in a subtle manner. Place the first V2 centered on the wall behind your speakers. Height of placement is important. As a general rule of thumb, the height of your listening position offers a focused depth, while higher placement offers more height and a more diffuse image.
Circuit breaker boxes - Set on on top of the breaker box where the power comes in, and place on inside on the panel door near the main breaker and near the circuit breaker feeding your audio system. WARNING! Do not attempt to place the V2 inside the main cover of the breaker panel, it could kill you. Inside the door of the panel is fine.
Power cords - Place 1 on the connector going in to the component for the most significant effect. Place another at the connector entering the wall or your power distributor/conditioner for another boost in performance. Placing one on the center of the cable will further improve the sound.
Das ist die Unterbringung eines V2 zwischen zwei iQse´s im Sicherungskasten.
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Wie sagt man so schön in audiophilen Kreisen:
Das ist geiler Scheiß
Das sind mit Abstand die stärksten Energieträger die mir in den letzten 10 Jahren untergekommen sind. Ich habe mich 3 Monate damit beschäftigen müssen um überhaupt mal eine vernünftige Anwendung zu finden.
In den Geräten und an den Netzkabeln sowie am Netzverteiler war ein guter Startpunkt.
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The Story Of The V2+
The Bybee V2 Plus was an answer to a issue of concern that customers had expressed. They wanted to be able to replace the battery that powers the V2 circuit themselves. In the original V2, we implement 2 lithium ion watch batteries (known for their long life) to power the V2 circuit with a total of 6 volts. This should last 10 years or more, but still, customers want and deserve a forever product. Since we were doing away with the irreplaceable batteries we decided to experiment with voltages. We tried rechargeable batteries of various voltages, as well as standard batteries, and settled on the 9 volt. This offered the best availability and we found that increasing the voltage beyond 9V offered a negligible level of return for the expense.
The Bybee V2 Plus is essentially a more powerful V2, with a replaceable battery. The tradeoff for a bigger, replaceable battery are an increase in size. The V2+ is an enclosure that measures 4.4 x 3.3 x 1.5 inches.
In the listening room: The V2+ was primarily designed for room acoustics. You can start with as few as one V2 Plus placed on the wall behind your speakers, centered between them at a height of 3-6 feet, depending on the soundstage height you prefer.This particular setup will produce a very dimensional and holographic soundstage, with a more focused center image. Most customers prefer this.
Inside Power conditioners: We have also found them very effective inside power conditioners, if one has room.
Power Cords: They can also be placed underneath power cords, just before the component. Be advised however that metal plug housings and cable shielding will diminish the overall effect. They work best on unshielded power cords, and cords with plastic plug housings.
What To Expect
Much like the V2, the Bybee V2+ will seem to lower the noise floor, allowing one to hear much deeper into the recording. Low level details emerge that were once masked. Less smearing of the signal is another result. The combination of more low level information paired with less smearing is a much more holographic presentation, with better separation and layering of musical elements. The 33% more power the V2+ receives is very evident, making potentially fewer V2+ necessary in one's system.
Along with more clarity, dynamics and presence in the vocal bands, the V2+ continues to improve the sense of musical flow and naturalness as well.
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